Course Syllabus

SiiUss - Sustainability, Inclusiveness, Integration for University Support Services.

This course has been developed through collaboration between Karolinska Institutet and University of the Philipinnes, Diliman with the scope to create a platform where the Support Services at a Higher Education Institution (HEI) can develop new skills,  share good practices and experiences,  learn from each other and discover new ways of working with peers both locally and internationally.  This course aims to create a tool for the professional development of the Support Services to gain a clearer understanding and identify ways to integrate the concepts of  of Internationalisation, Sustainability, and Inclusiveness into their daily work. 

Intended learning outcomes (ILOs)

What is an Intended Learning outcome?

"Learning outcomes describe what a learner is expected to know, understand and be able to demonstrate after completion of a process of learning."  (Vlasceanu, Grunberg & Parlea, 2007)

Through the course, you will be able to:

  • Explain the concepts of Internationalisation, Diversity, Inclusion and Sustainability in the context of a multicultural and multilingual university setting.
  • Discuss these concepts in both a global and local university context.
  • Suggest way/s to Integrate the concepts of Internationalisation, Diversity, Inclusion and Sustainability into your daily work.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due